It was interesting to give information and answer questions for people that are about to start with the State Department. We had forgotten all of the questions we used to have. It showed us how much we have learned and have started to adjust. We will definitely take advantage of any future networking activities, since you learn so much.
Less than seven days to flag day!
I am waiting anxiously to take my orals. One quick question you might be able to answer...can you leave town on the weekends during A100? My daughter will be in her Sr. year and I might need to fly home for her Sat. night graduation...
A little early to fret, but it would be nice to know one way or the other...
Yes, you can leave town on your weekends - your days off. The only time that you will not be able to leave town is during the off-site, which is usually two nights, three days during the week. Congratulations!
To expand on my comment above, just in case: You are able to leave town on your days off, but you are not allowed to take days off during training. You must attend every day of training, which when Alan attended was limited to Monday through Friday.
I stayed here (in the upstairs hotel) during my FSOA, and celebrated that night with a beer downstairs that evening. Waiting for clearances now, but I hope to follow in your footsteps one of these days/months/years!
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